Gloriously beautiful and yet doomed to fall
The story of a shining star is also the story of the eternal cycle of growth and decay.
I am a great admirer of the universe and it was actually a physicist who inspired me to write this poem. He regretted so much that the poets of our time could not find words for this incomprehensible beauty full of mystery and secrets that I felt challenged. And indeed, it is no easy task to put this universal drama into words.
I agree with his observation that people have never before had the opportunity to marvel at the beauty and vastness of its mysterious phenomena.
The sheer awe can leave you at a loss for words.
Incidentally, the physicist in question is Michio Kaku.
Leaving aside the fact that a star is long gone by the time our eyes catch sight of it and its death throes are a relic of the past, it is nevertheless a fascinating and at the same time terrifying process because of the tremendous forces that are unleashed. People are rarely allowed to witness the death throes of a star, from a distance of course even if it is less than the blink of an eye of the universe.
Many of us will probably be able to witness such a comprehensive event that will shake an entire universe when Betelgeuse, a star in the constellation Orion blows up into a supernova. We will then be able to observe the drama in our sky with the naked eye over a longer period of time. Some physicists expect this to happen every day.
"The hand of the giantess", which is what her name means, will be impossible to miss.
Ready for a new story

The Fallen Star
a universal poem
Only to be a shining star
it has been born out of the nebula
risen from a cosmic seed
to destroy the gloomy weedTime has blurred the light
before falling into its darkest night
collapsing in a furious blow
the last act of a glorious showDisrupted into tiniest slivers
no escape from fighting the final struggle
surrendering its sheath in tremorous shivers
which fades away into its dusty shadow side
to spit this cosmic bubble
and gives birth to a celestial childThe last curtain has fallen
caught in the unknown
the seed has sown
from which a new world arises
only to escape from lonely density
and not consumed by naked singularityAn der Schwelle zum Nirgendwo
an diesem Punkt ohne Wiederkehr irgendwo
ein winziger Kristall der Erinnerung verbleibt
am Horizont an dem sie nichts zählt – die Zeit
bevor dieses Beben alles Sein durchdringt
und ein ganzes Universum zum Erzittern zwingtKein Entrinnen im galaktischen Sturm
sterbend in eine neue Form
auf den Punkt gebracht in endloser Dichte
bereit für eine neue Geschichte
In brennendem Begehren lichterloh
wird sie aus sich selbst zurückgeworfen
und aus ihrem Echo in eine neue Welt geboren
welcome to the Show!All Rights Reserved © 2021 by Carminia Philia

Did you know?
Have you ever heard that a dying star spits a cosmic bubble from which a celestial child is born? A universal womb, so to speak. Since we are all star children, this opens up a new perspective on motherhood.
A planetary nebula is the remnant of a dying star. Many of us follow the idea that these brilliant stars end up as supernovae and die in a big bang. In fact, billions of years can pass - a very long death by human standards - before a celestial body of this kind has breathed its last. At some point in the distant future, our sun will also literally breathe its last as a small white dwarf.
But the birth of a star child is also time-consuming. Ultimately, matter is formed from the remains of the decaying star, giving rise to new worlds with sun, moon and stars. And sometimes these new worlds are full of life.
Everything is connected to everything! We are all children of the sun.
The ESO (European Southern Observatory) described more about this mysterious phenomenon back in August 2015: "The Ghost of a Dying Star"
If the lifespan of a human being may seem like just the blink of an eye in the universe, there are still, at least for the moment, 8 billion blinks of an eye.
Object ESO 378-1 - Planetary nebula - ESO
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If you click on the link, you can watch the video version of this poem in German on YouTube:
Here you can find the dramatic story in English:
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