An old open book with a black and white pen for the magic of words

The Magic of Words

Die Magie der Worte auf der Frontseite Museum of Modern Art in Edinburgh mit Leuchtschrift "Everything is going to be alright"
The magic of words on the front of the Museum of Modern Art, Edinburgh 2019 © by Gabriele S. Müller

The magic - inherent in the word

"Magic" was once created by the enchantment of words. In the beginning, it was the power of images in the form of murals, perhaps the first artistic expression of the human soul. The expression of a longing that still accompanies us today. Initiation rituals, invocations to nature, the worship of "deities" or protection and harvest rituals were carried out with language, the magic of words, that inspired both the external visual language and the imagination itself.

The images of the soul

With these magical words, images were projected into the soul, both collectively and individually. They were cast, so to speak, onto the canvas of the soul, which in turn, as projections of inner worlds, made remarkable art visible in the outer world. Over millennia, art as an expression of the soul has lost none of its attraction and power. Often unexpected or even provocative, but always inspiring until today.

Many of us are only familiar with magic, this synthesis of word and image, from advertising. And doesn't it work magic? Think about it for a moment. Incredible, isn't it? But true! Fortunately, there is still the wonderful language of poetry, which comes from the heart, whether loving or suffering, hopeful or yet longing. This language seems to rise from the deepest layers of our being, our soul, our unconscious. This language touches and moves hearts and souls and at the same time allows this tireless mind a little rest. It has earned it!

Poetry and lyrics - a gift to the world

It is certainly no coincidence that you have landed on this wonderful blog. Poetry and lyric poetry have enriched our lives and our being for thousands of years and sometimes they even change the world! Just think of these great poets and lyricists such as Rumi, Rainer-Maria Rilke, Khalil Gibran or Erich Fried. Just a very small selection of great poets, thinkers and lyricists who have so richly enriched our souls and the world.

A sculpture of a poet in historic Berlin

Discover the poet or poetess in you

Let yourself be seduced or swept away. Feel into the deepest layers of your being, and let yourself be completely penetrated. Dream, ponder or philosophize. Dive full of devotion into never known worlds. Or simply create them anew! And if you like, let us participate in it. Because you are an inspiration.

And who am I? Finde es heraus :)

The little poetic gems of both languages

If you browse through my site, you will notice that there are passages that are not translated word for word. This applies first and foremost to my poems. Simply translating a poem word for word destroys the poetry of the poem. In fact, if it is to remain a poem, it is only the same poem in meaning.

You will also notice that many of my poems have rhymes. These simply cannot be translated word for word, as mentioned above. In order to keep the "music" or the "melody", I have to write a new poem in the other language, even if it says the same thing.

Sometimes I write in English straight away, sometimes in German first. I don't really think about it, it just happens. Both languages have their charms in poetic expression, but then they are fundamentally different. That's what makes them so appealing. Those who speak both languages will certainly appreciate this fact. It should be well known that these two languages are closely related. Both English, especially "Old English", and the German language are West Germanic languages.

Stories, stories, stories...

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Poetry is the language of myth and myth is the language of astrology.

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