Hell's ride - a journey to our inner gold

Hell's Ride - A Journey To Our Inner Gold

Featured image - a hellish scene with eerie figures and a black horse's head in the foreground, looking sinister
Artwork by ©Gabriele S. Müller

Are you ready for your inner gold?

We may be in for a hell of a ride when we are searching for our gold, our inner wealth. Most of the time, we have no idea that this gold is buried deep within us. Hidden in the dark corners of our souls, we can find it.

But the journey is not without danger, as it requires us to confront our inner demons, our shadows. And yet we have to claim this gold. It lies there in the deep abysses just for us.
We are never alone on our journey. Even if a dark companion accompanies us, he is our psychopomp, our soul's guide, who helps us through the rough terrain of our soul.

We should trust him if he meets us in a dream or imagination. He only has good things in mind. He leads us to our gold. Whether we accept it or not is entirely up to us. For some, the burden is too big. Then he will accompany us back, but we will no longer be the same.

Some people will be familiar with the term "the dark night of the soul". I have experienced many such nights and have died a thousand deaths. And yet there is a power within me that has always brought me back from the darkest depths. A strength that I can't see and sometimes I couldn't even feel it, it was so dark inside me.

But my soul guide was always stronger than my darkness. And with every 'return', something in me seemed to be healed and illuminated in the truest sense of the word. One part of me had died and another could finally unfold. I have many stories to tell. The dark ones and the light ones.

Whether we realise it or not, the descent into our (spiritual) underworld is always associated with a comprehensive transformation, a death. But remember:
Ignoring your shadow means ignoring your inner gold, your true wealth.

There's no way out: if you want it, you will have to go through hell. And you will die!

A mystical journey to our hidden treasure

Stylised female face in profile with the full moon in the background

Hells' Ride

Now and then opens the portal
that unreal room of vastness...
in deep recognition wordless
to offer me his hands in his choir of mortal

Welcomed by Hades himself for a ride
he leads me away into this screaming quiet
across his burning hell on a black steed of pride
over the fragments of my shattered soul with every stride

No resistance
against the glamourous spirit of the dark soul guide
a rendezvous in the land of the black sun's spark -
that banished holy woman of the night
who wears away the ignorant soul to the dark
in the same realm that is permeated by the gloomy rays of light
unreservedly to that soul only
who knows how to see in the dark lonely

Passing Tartarus with all those lost screaming voices
echoing in a deep growl and grim noises
eternally cut bands of the damned in alliance
in a dance with titans and giants

Forgotten in the lightless abyss
swallowed up along with their lives amiss
shivering waiting and scared bound
jealously guarded by Cerberus this bloody hound

In dull mirrors they vanish into the black sea
and I realise they are me
he allows me to pass from his shadowy space
like I leave the forgotten ones in my dream's place
for those lost it is a dwelling of lust and shame
a never-ending nightmare of blame

My shadow is thrown on sparkling gold
which I have never known - also which I never wanted to force
my dark guide as guardian of the threshold
protects like a dragon my inexhaustible source

In the pale-lighted chamber of mystery
my heart's unredeemed misery
where the eternally damned shadowy bloomed
cling like withered flowers to my gold
he sits and waits until his guest will see finally
to claim the treasure as his own bold
so the light of wisdom will give new life to the doomed

© 2024 Carmina Philia

The Underworld in Ancient Times

And when it comes to gold, it's (usually) about a valuable gift. Perhaps you will find yourself in this poem.

And do not forget to browse through my BLOG . There you will find much more.

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