When eternity forgets itself
When eternity its silence breaks it is always accompanied by a revelation. This poem tells of the eternal search for the lost part of your soul. And perhaps you have already met someone you have recognised as your soulmate. Hidden in this recognition is the gentle kiss of eternity.
Some also call them twin or dual souls. It seems as if these concepts are an outgrowth of our modern times. But far from it. Plato already knew about the longing that man is searching for his other half. You can find more information about Plato's idea in my "Did you know?" section, which I add to every poem.
Perhaps it is also the anima and animus, as Carl Gustav Jung called it, that are searching for themselves in the other.
Many concepts are accompanied by great confusion. It is possibly not much more than the sacred alchemical unification of the parts of the soul that we thought were lost within ourselves.
It cannot be ruled out that we will find this soul part of ourselves that we thought was lost in the same place where our Gold befindet.

When Eternity its Silence Breaks
Trembled by her stormy glow
in bursting waves of light
out of the darkest night
past and future she has born in a glorious showThe infinite was torn
between joy and fright
threads of hope she has drawn
into the dreamy gleamy rainbows’ lightThis hypnotic rhythm she was ravished by
drifted her into the torrent of high
also of becoming and passing away
so she had to sacrifice herself to decayIn the rapture of her endless masks of lie
forgetting the sublime
she separated in a twinkle of an eye
what lay deeply connected beyond timeFrom far away we came only to be
like ripples of the cosmic sea
searching in fathomless space
full of longing in a state of dazeWe drifted with the cosmic winds free
only to find each other in this endless sea
we had to flee from dying stars' swirls
to resurrect in the sunsets of new worlds
we rested in glorious mists of the dark
and were blown in the storm of being further apartUntouched by time - the endless NOW
protected the forever heart of all soul
oblivion’s veils concealed
what was hidden in the ashes of embers
the grace of love is revealed
when eternity remembersIn the eye of the eternal spark
this radiant glow that forever must
turn all masks into dust
the tender kiss of eternity awakes
the glory of the united heart
when eternity its silence breaks© 2022 Carmina Philia

Did you know?
The Longing for Wholeness
Terms such as soul mates, dual souls or twin flames are widely used nowadays. Card readers in particular earn an extra income with these concepts. Because it seems as if the longing for the "other" part of us is unbroken.
At Plato's symposium (dated to around 385 - 370 BC), hymns of praise were sung to Eros, the god of love, in a cheerful atmosphere, because a symposium is nothing other than a drinking session with a stimulating exchange of ideas. And so it is said to have been the comedic playwright Aristophanes who associated the longing for wholeness with the spherical man.
In a nutshell: a body with four legs and four arms, joined at the back and whose faces are turned towards the world and not towards each other, became two people with only two arms and legs after an act of violence by the Olympian gods. Since then, we have searched for the other half of the soul. There were also three genders: the purely male and female and the androgynous, i.e. one-half female, and the other male.
Just imagine: six men sitting together, hitting the botle and talking about Eros. Let everyone draw their own conclusions.
The Mystical Wedding as depicted in the Rosarium
The Sumerians already knew about the former unity of two people. This myth was then passed down into antiquity and, not least, in countless variations right up to the present day. As with so many stories that are worth telling.
In psychology, we would rather speak of the inner union, the mystical marriage of our soul parts, as depicted in the Rosarium . If we have a healthy relationship with ourselves, our relationships in the outside world will be fruitful and fulfilling.
Spherical man or not, you should think carefully about what you want, because it could be granted to you.
Bildnachweis "King and Queen of Alchemy " anonymous (book: The Rosary of the Philosophers) - Google-public-domain
Can't get enough of love? Then give yourself full passion to my "14 Charming Stanzas about Love" hin.
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