Follow your excitement - then you are always on the right path
Sometimes we easily forget, what our excitement is about and what brings us joy. Full of doubt, we then wonder whether we are on the right path. But it's so simple: if we follow our excitement and joy, we are happy with our doing then we are always on the right path.

Follow your Excitement!
Follow your Joy!Then you are always on the right path.
It doesn't matter what inspires us. Whether we are the best gardeners in the world or love our overgrown garden. We enjoy its splendour. We are enthusiastic about the natural spectacles that we can observe with joy. We may be passionate about acting, and even if we are not famous, we are always excited to slip into new roles. Countless things can inspire us. And that's a good thing!
Be like the children!
As children, we get excited about anything. The world was one big adventure even though it sometimes overwhelmed us. But as we got older, our enthusiasm waned more and more. We had become accustomed to the world. And it also showed sides that we couldn't get so excited about anymore.
To be excited is not a question of age but of attitude. If we can maintain our openness to new ideas, and expand our horizons by learning a new language or travelling the world by ourselves, we suddenly realise how alive we are.
When we follow our heart, we have self-motivation, a positive aura and passion for the topics we choose. If we are truly enthusiastic in our hearts, this is infectious, motivating for others and simply persuasive. It is difficult to resist someone who meets us with enthusiasm because we recognise the authenticity and truth in this language of the heart. And that inspires us!
Stay excited and browse through my blog, because poetry also speaks the language of the heart.
Find out how you to improve your level of excitement: The importance of enthusiasm for personal success - Digitales Institut (
If we do not follow our heart, our call, we may have to face The Dark Secret of Manifestation.
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