Given only to see the world through my eyes
The gift is given to us in the form of a talent or ability that we do not always appreciate.
Someday I wondered what would happen when I was laid on my deathbed. What would happen to all those marvellous gifts and talents I was given I either didn't pay enough attention to or took for granted?
However, shouldn't it be an honour to give this wonderful gift back to the world through my creativity? Though It took me many years to accept my "inheritance". Although there were many affirmations from those around me, I branded my talent as "not enough".
Well, exploring myself has led me to the realisation that there may be a deep-seated fear underlying the failure to recognise our talents. These can be manifold and are always individual. Perhaps buried deep within us lies the fear of expressing our uniqueness. The cause may be the rejection of our uniqueness by authority figures, or those we believe to be in authority. The experience of rejection can cause profound blockages within us. Nevertheless, it is our task to allow our gifts to blossom.
Yet it is so simple and yet so difficult to grasp. Every soul is significant. It is its eyes, the windows of the soul, from which it looks out into the cosmos. As a result, it is always a unique, irreplaceable view. It is our gift, this gift that does not deserve to be rejected.

The gift - not just given
It was gifted to me - not just given
a dream dreamed of life
just to experience the beauty of itself within
to see the world through my eyes
only through these eyes behind my skinIf this gift were taken from me
at this time
they would form a line
each beautiful word
would never be interwoven into a new book’s world
they would pass by…Even the never travelled mysterious places
and the long-needed goodbyes
that never happened for ages
Also, these wonderful people
I never knew
were banished from my paper sheet without having a clueThe never-risen sun
of this emerald-green sea
and the forget-me-not kissed by the morning dew
would never be a rhyme’s keyIf I had to pass away however
this gift had been lost forever
given only to see through my eyes
never this world would ariseUndefined – unborn
never fulfilled with life
the world through my eyes
would be unknown…All Rights Reserved 2022 © Carminia Philia
With this poem, I have dedicated myself to depicting it in moving images—moving poetry, so to speak. For data protection reasons, I do not embed my YouTube videos.
What makes people human? Is their unique abilities and gifts making our species special or are humans simply human? In my article Only human or superpower after all? habe ich meinen Gedanken dazu freien Lauf gelassen.

If you click on the link, you can watch the video version of this poem in German on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QQGaDTZhSc0
Enjoy this beautiful poem in English on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OUrbU77zneA
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