The Zodiac Sign Capricorn - The Return of The Light
When the time of Capricorn has come in the year, we know: the light is returning! When the sun enters Capricorn, it marks the turning point of the sun. On 21 December, we celebrate this winter solstice everywhere in the northern hemisphere. It is the promise of light, which is also expressed in Christmas and the New Year. The longest nights are coming to an end and the sun is gradually reclaiming the day. Numerous rituals lead far back into the past.
The Gate of The Gods
Incidentally, ancient astrologers referred to the house of Capricorn as the "gate of the gods". It was a heavenly portal associated with the separation of the soul from the body after death and the return to the divine realms beyond the earth.
It cannot be denied that Saturn also signified persistent horror, existential fear and feelings of being trapped for the ancient astrologers. It is not for nothing that Saturn is considered an evil-doer alongside Mars. Particularly if the person is born at night.
I would like to take this opportunity to shed some light on the meaning of the zodiac sign Capricorn. There are many prejudices against the sign of Capricorn, which Capricorns know only too well and to which they have already fallen victim.
The astrological Capra family includes not only those who call the sign Capricorn "their" sign because of the Sun they find at the time of their birth in Capricorn. If the rising sign, i.e. the ascendant, falls in Capricorn or Saturn has remained "at home" in Capricorn, or other planets come to visit the "temple of Saturn", they can feel proud to belong to this family.
Outstanding and/or challenging aspects, such as the opposition, also fulfil the conditions for Capricorn family membership.
The Ancient Sea Goat
It was the Romans who gave Capricorn its name. Previously, this zodiac sign was called the "sea goat", a mythological hybrid creature with the tail of a fish and the front body of a goat, also known as a goatfish. The pre-Olympic god Pan is also said to have been depicted as a goatfish. On ancient star charts, Capricorn is always depicted as a goat fish. Incidentally, the god Pan was later vilified in Christianity as the personification of Satan. That is why the devil has horns. The tarot card "The Devil" is probably the best-known depiction.
The symbolism of the sign Capricornus stands for ambition, perseverance and the ability to overcome obstacles - similar to a goat that tirelessly climbs mountains and a fish that glides effortlessly through the water. This dual nature represents the balance between earthiness and adaptability.
There's a rather sad story about the sea goat, which I'll save for a separate post.
First of all, a few astrological key data that are assigned to Capricorn and are intended to provide a deeper understanding of this earthy sign:

Astrological Attributes of Capricorn:
- Feminine (yin), assigned to the element earth, cardinal or tropical, temperament: dry
- The "Temple" of Saturn - Saturn is the ruler of the domicile Capricorn - Mars is exalted; Saturn is exalted in Libra, Saturn finds "joy" in the 12th house
- The "Gate of the Gods"
- Winter solstice in the northern hemisphere - winter season
- The return of light from the darkness. The sun slowly makes its way "up" (like goats gradually but surely climbing a mountain)
- Self-denial in favour of a goal
- Provider, counsellor, teacher
The Ruler in The Realm of Capricorn
To understand the zodiac sign of Capricorn, you have to understand its domicile ruler Saturn. Many misunderstandings surrounding Capricorn have to do with a one-dimensional understanding of Saturn.
In the astrological pantheon, the so-called Zodiac, Saturn rules two spaces. He is the lord of both the house of Capricorn and Aquarius. In ancient times or Hellenistic Astrology, the dwellings, i.e. what we now call the zodiac signs, were or are referred to as the "temples of the gods". Our mighty friend Saturn is therefore at home here and, as befits a ruler, he naturally calls the shots.
Often described as slow and conservative, the guardian of time, Saturn is the taskmaster who is restrictive, cold, hard or harsh. Saturn is usually described as a traditionalist who is resistant to change but also symbolises hard work, maturity, discipline and structure.

Isabel Hickey's description of Saturn in her book "Astrology: a Cosmic Science" is correspondingly inaccurate:
“Saturn is called the Lord of Karma, and in as much as it shows the area and qualities which we need to change and redeem. It is the Hindus speak of dharma as one's duty of responsibility in life.”
Saturn shows in the birth chart in which area of life (house) our responsibilities lie and what our life lessons are. The founder of modern astrology, Alan Leo, also once wrote:
"Saturn restricts limits, crystallises and binds everything holding restraining, fashioning and solidifying all that comes under its sphere of influence”.
Saturn literally stands on the threshold between its two temples, Capricorn and Aquarius. In the sign of Capricorn, his gaze is directed backwards, whereas in the sign of Aquarius, his gaze is directed towards the future. The double-headed god Janus is therefore often associated with Saturn.
Where Saturn is in the horoscope is the place to work on. There are the boundaries or the places where the chart owner can act stubbornly, immovably or conservatively. We also find the energy of the overseer in the areas, both in the zodiac signs and in the houses, where Saturn resides.
The Mystic in Antiquity
If we look at some of the historical, mystical meanings of Saturn in the ancient world, a much deeper, broader picture emerges. This often overlooked complexity will desirably free the sign of Capricorn from some of these narrow stereotypes.
In ancient astrology, Saturn was most often associated with melancholy. We immediately think of depression and deep sadness. However, this is too short-sighted. It is an incredibly multifaceted phenomenon that frequently manifests itself in the lives of creative geniuses, artists, mystics and great thinkers and contemplatives. Even in ancient times, when melancholy developed into depression, it was diagnosed as an illness and treated by the first doctors. The boundaries here are certainly fluid.
Even in ancient times, when melancholy developed into depression, it was diagnosed as an illness and treated by the first doctors. The boundaries here are certainly fluid.
Note: To understand the complexity of Capricorn, I recommend reading my article on Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. Even if the information overlaps to some extent, there is a lot of information about Saturn that is certainly unexpected and surprising.
Common Stereotypical Prejudices and Misconceptions About Capricorn
The Heartless and Ruthlessly Ambitious Man?
You marvellous Capricorns have probably had to listen to enough about how heartless and hard-hearted or even emotionless and cold you are. The stubbornness displayed by the Capra zoological species is also proverbial for the Capricorn. Female representatives of the sign Capricorn in particular often have to put up with unflattering comparisons with the goat family.
Excessive ambition and ruthlessness are also often associated with the sign of Capricorn. Last but not least, the sign of Capricorn is associated with patriarchal and hierarchical structures as well as traditionalism and conservatism. It is usually a combination of all these "honours" thrown at the feet of Capricorns.
I don't want to claim that these statements are inaccurate. But there is so much more that characterises the sign of Capricorn.
The Tough Workaholic?

Saturn in and of itself is not necessarily the ruthless, hard-working, persistent, ambitious, competitive, heartless type. We often get these qualities through the exaltation, the exaltation of Mars in Capricorn.
To be fair, it must be recognised that all these qualities are certainly part of the Capricorn image, the celestial archetypal reality of Capricorn. But there is much more to discover that is certainly surprising.
Capricorns are known for their tenacity, perseverance and doggedness. Once they have set a goal, everything is subordinated to this goal, whatever the cost. They strive forward or "upwards". And very often they are successful in doing so. But this comes at a price. Saturn in the sign of Capricorn can push emotions aside, as well as the needs of the body or those of other people. We then experience them as cold, distant and inconsiderate.
Capricorn is about a Saturn that reinforces the qualities of Mars in one way or another. We remember that Mars feels particularly comfortable in Capricorn. In combination, the kind of ruthless, persistent goal-orientation is shown here.
The Relentless Taskmaster?
Saturn was not only the planet of order, structure and limitation: now, we are with the stereotypes of Capricorn.
It was regarded as a planet of horizons and boundaries. Although still visible to the naked eye, Saturn appeared to observers of the night sky as a dark celestial body. As the most distant planet, Saturn was regarded as the boundary to the sphere of the gods and the numinous afterlife. Ancient astrologers had no knowledge of the existence of the outer planets. They were not visible to the naked eye. The telescope was only invented many centuries later.
Saturn also represented the longing of human imagination for something more than the trivial, as well as the feeling of being cursed, restricted, held back or even suppressed by the earthly mortal and limited. He represented both.
Therefore Saturn stands equally for that which must remain outside and which may enter. Capricorn also shows a pronounced tendency towards "exclusivity". Not always for the best.
The Miser Who Can't Get Enough?
Existential fear can be the driving principle of a Capricorn. The sign of Capricorn is associated with winter and the absence of light. Now we can understand where this fear gets its nourishment from. Namely from the lack of sufficient resources and reserves in times when nature is at rest.
For us, who are well supplied with food, warmth and a roof over our heads all year round, it seems hard to imagine not having all of this available. But this has not always been the case and, above all, it has not been the case for very long. And in many places it is still not a matter of course today. Just think of the post-war years, when pretty cold winters cost thousands of people their lives because they starved to death. The generation that had to experience this developed a kind of hoarding mentality, despite having sufficient resources in the following decades, so that they would never have to experience this again. I'm sure many of us had grandmothers and mothers who hoarded supplies - just in case of an emergency.
The Capricorn reaps what it sows - literally
If we go back further and look at agriculture, it was essential to ensure a good income and a good harvest to get through the winter months. This required hard and disciplined labour. We were surrounded by unpredictable external circumstances. Many harvests were destroyed by the changing climate. Think of the "Little Ice Age" from the end of the 16th to the last third of the 17th century.
I don't want to deny that there are of course the penny-pinching and hoarding representatives of Capricorn. This is based on a deep existential fear. You are better prepared for bad times. You never know when they will happen. That could be the mantra of a Capricorn obsessed with fear. Well, this view is not so wrong. We generally take many things for granted because we don't know any other way.
Melancholica - The Muse of Capricorn
When it is said that Capricorns are heartless, they are rather in a melancholic inner state of being. Melancholic does not mean that a person is without emotions. It means that their emotions are heavy, sometimes quiet, brooding and darker. They are deeply existential.
Saturnine, Capricornian emotional expression can seem truncated or self-numbing because of its depth and heaviness. Sometimes Capricornian emotional expression can seem overly endeavoured when trying to express emotions in a free, light, warm, cuddly way. That doesn't mean he can't do it.
However, it should be emphasised that Capricorn is not free of emotions. They tend to be melancholic and dark. Whereby dark should by no means be associated with "evil". What is meant is an acute awareness of the tension between the plank shacks and the romantic idea of life, which goes hand in hand with annoyance. Capricorns often have to put up with the accusation that they are boring because they lack the exuberant, all-embracing, playful and heartfelt emotional expression. The truth couldn't be further away.
The Dichotomy Between Heaven And Earth
The most beautiful works of art, the most impressive inventions or great social and cultural achievements do not arise from a free-flowing state of positive or light feelings. They arise from the acute way we face and deal with the dichotomy between earth and sky. And when everything earthy is acutely felt, so is heaven. Heaven is contained in the longing itself.

Saturnian Depth in the Sign of Capricorn
As the person writing these lines, I have a very prominent Saturn in my natal chart in its domicile, i.e. in Capricorn. The Moon keeps Saturn company. For the Moon, the "Temple of Saturn" is not one of its favourite places. Like any good host, Saturn tries its best to satisfy the needs of its guests. This may not always be enough for lunar energy, but our powerful friend guarantees security. This comes at a price.
So I know many of these prejudices. Only a few have any idea what is really going on inside me. Because sometimes I feel so trapped in the earthly, saturnine reality that the longing to sneak away is so overwhelming that I find myself in depression, a state of absolute discouragement and hopelessness. I would love to dissolve into it to escape these ponderous, heavy boundaries.
But don't worry, so far it has always gone well and I have always emerged from this darkest darkness as if "reborn". I am then deeply inspired by the desire to move away from the limitations or constraints of the earthly and to look beyond the boundaries of earthly existence as well as beyond myself. Ultimately, I find myself in the limitations, responsibilities and demands that I have imposed on myself. But it seems that the wall has moved a little bit each time. Let us remember: the sign of Capricorn represents the return of the light, which rises again from the deepest darkness.
The Insatiable Longing of a Wild Existentialism
Very few people even have a clue about this wild, deeply felt existentialism paired with an insatiable longing. Even if you don't expect it, these melancholic phases can be deeply inspiring and creative.
Saturn has always encompassed that realm of experience which is only accessible to the extent that the limitation is felt simultaneously with all the senses. This is anything but cold and heartless.
It is often not recognised that Capricorns are profoundly creative. Let us mention J.R.R. Tolkien, the creator of Middle-earth, the creator of an entire, fantastic world. A world characterised by the deep existentialism of its protagonists. Or think of David Bowie, who expressed this existential, melancholic, dark, romantic, imaginative side in many of his works.
Capricorn as the Lonesome Wolf in Black Sheep's Clothing
Many Capricorns are all too familiar with the experience of rejection, not belonging or the role of the outsider. The role of the scapegoat or the black sheep may also be taken on the stage of social, family or partnership relationships. Many fingers have already been pointed at us. If we add them all up, we are quite prominent, my dear Capra friends.
Even if it is little consolation, the roles of scapegoat and/or black sheep fulfil an enormously important social function. In interpersonal interactions, they are the ones who point the finger. They usually know what is really going on and reflect these truths to the other person. Sometimes realisation happens on the other side, sometimes not. And so Saturn is also a signpost for what lies beyond its boundaries.
As painful as these experiences may be, they harbour enormous creative potential. What if the "heretics" Galileo Galilei or Isaac Newton had not existed? Two of many courageous people who dared to "push the boundaries" of the worldview of their respective eras, even if they had to pay a high personal price for it. There are countless examples of how outsiders, dissenters and non-conformists have literally turned the world upside down. And it may come as a surprise that non-conformists and mavericks are members of the Capra family. Saturn represents structure and boundaries as well as the breaking down of these. Chronos, i.e. Saturn, represents time, which is fleeting. So the "heretics" may have been the villains in their world. In ours, they are heroes, idols and role models.

All too often the Capricorn principle is viewed through the lens of practical earthly performance dogma. We should never forget that Capricorns are also profoundly imaginative, profoundly existential. They don't necessarily show this as openly as their counterpart, Cancer, for example. But it is there nonetheless. An existential firework simmers within them that is deeply romantic, deeply felt and deeply creative and emotional, but sometimes in a more earthy, raw way.
If you still haven't understood this wonderful, profound sign of the zodiac, Capricorn, you may need a Saturnian lesson.
UAnd if Capricorn once again hides its magnificence under a bushel, finds itself marginalised and boring, then literally dares to look up into the sky. Just one look at the ruler of Capricorn in the most beautiful light of the sun reveals a deep beauty that is hard to resist. Even if Libra's Venus is more of a spiritual nature, Saturn seems to have endowed it with enchanting beauty.
Let's be grateful to those who, on their melancholy journey to the stars, found the tools to make the world bigger and more beautiful. Without the telescope, the beauty of Saturn would have remained hidden from us forever. As a member of the astrological Capra family, allow me this romantic view of Saturn.
Credit: Of course, my comments are not just my own doing. I would like to explicitly mention Adam Elenbaas, who inspired me to write this series. On his website Nightlight Astrology you can find a large number of astrological articles. And if you prefer watching and listening to reading, you can find his astrology channel on YouTube.
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