The Zodiac Sign Capricorn - the Longing Existentialist

The depiction of the mythological sea goat, as the Sumerians called the zodiac sign Capricorn
The depiction of the mythological sea goat in a blue overlay represents the symbolism of winter
Artwork by ©Gabriele S. Müller

The Zodiac Sign Capricorn - The Return of The Light

When the time of Capricorn has come in the year, we know: the light is returning! When the sun enters Capricorn, it marks the turning point of the sun. On 21 December, we celebrate this winter solstice everywhere in the northern hemisphere. It is the promise of light, which is also expressed in Christmas and the New Year. The longest nights are coming to an end and the sun is gradually reclaiming the day. Numerous rituals lead far back into the past.

The Gate of The Gods

Incidentally, ancient astrologers referred to the house of Capricorn as the "gate of the gods". It was a heavenly portal associated with the separation of the soul from the body after death and the return to the divine realms beyond the earth.

It cannot be denied that Saturn also signified persistent horror, existential fear and feelings of being trapped for the ancient astrologers. It is not for nothing that Saturn is considered an evil-doer alongside Mars. Particularly if the person is born at night.

The Ancient Sea Goat

It was the Romans who gave Capricorn its name. Previously, this zodiac sign was called the "sea goat", a mythological hybrid creature with the tail of a fish and the front body of a goat, also known as a goatfish. The pre-Olympic god Pan is also said to have been depicted as a goatfish. On ancient star charts, Capricorn is always depicted as a goat fish. Incidentally, the god Pan was later vilified in Christianity as the personification of Satan. That is why the devil has horns. The tarot card "The Devil" is probably the best-known depiction.

The symbolism of the sign Capricornus stands for ambition, perseverance and the ability to overcome obstacles - similar to a goat that tirelessly climbs mountains and a fish that glides effortlessly through the water. This dual nature represents the balance between earthiness and adaptability.

There's a rather sad story about the sea goat, which I'll save for a separate post.
First of all, a few astrological key data that are assigned to Capricorn and are intended to provide a deeper understanding of this earthy sign:

a stylised Capricorn in line art enters the rings of Saturn from the right
a stylised Capricorn in line art enters the rings of Saturn from the left side

The Ruler in The Realm of Capricorn

The ancient depiction of a "god's head" in profile, gazing into the dark spheres of the universe

Note: To understand the complexity of Capricorn, I recommend reading my article on Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. Even if the information overlaps to some extent, there is a lot of information about Saturn that is certainly unexpected and surprising.

Common Stereotypical Prejudices and Misconceptions About Capricorn

The Heartless and Ruthlessly Ambitious Man?

The Tough Workaholic?

An antique depiction of the sign of Capricorn on a wall plate in gold and blue

an antique depiction of a sea goat licking a putto with grapes - a black and white drawing
Attribution [Putto with grapes on his ears and sea goat to the right] by Maglioli, Giov. Andrea (engraver) - Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Germany - CC BY-NC-SA.

The Relentless Taskmaster?

The Miser Who Can't Get Enough?

The Capricorn reaps what it sows - literally

When it is said that Capricorns are heartless, they are rather in a melancholic inner state of being. Melancholic does not mean that a person is without emotions. It means that their emotions are heavy, sometimes quiet, brooding and darker. They are deeply existential.

Saturnine, Capricornian emotional expression can seem truncated or self-numbing because of its depth and heaviness. Sometimes Capricornian emotional expression can seem overly endeavoured when trying to express emotions in a free, light, warm, cuddly way. That doesn't mean he can't do it.

However, it should be emphasised that Capricorn is not free of emotions. They tend to be melancholic and dark. Whereby dark should by no means be associated with "evil". What is meant is an acute awareness of the tension between the plank shacks and the romantic idea of life, which goes hand in hand with annoyance. Capricorns often have to put up with the accusation that they are boring because they lack the exuberant, all-embracing, playful and heartfelt emotional expression. The truth couldn't be further away.

The most beautiful works of art, the most impressive inventions or great social and cultural achievements do not arise from a free-flowing state of positive or light feelings. They arise from the acute way we face and deal with the dichotomy between earth and sky. And when everything earthy is acutely felt, so is heaven. Heaven is contained in the longing itself.

Modern representation of the Capricorn Sea Goat creature in line art
Antique wall plates with the 12 astrological signs of the zodiac placed around the Capricorn plate - the individual images have been modernised in terms of colour

As the person writing these lines, I have a very prominent Saturn in my natal chart in its domicile, i.e. in Capricorn. The Moon keeps Saturn company. For the Moon, the "Temple of Saturn" is not one of its favourite places. Like any good host, Saturn tries its best to satisfy the needs of its guests. This may not always be enough for lunar energy, but our powerful friend guarantees security. This comes at a price.

So I know many of these prejudices. Only a few have any idea what is really going on inside me. Because sometimes I feel so trapped in the earthly, saturnine reality that the longing to sneak away is so overwhelming that I find myself in depression, a state of absolute discouragement and hopelessness. I would love to dissolve into it to escape these ponderous, heavy boundaries.

But don't worry, so far it has always gone well and I have always emerged from this darkest darkness as if "reborn". I am then deeply inspired by the desire to move away from the limitations or constraints of the earthly and to look beyond the boundaries of earthly existence as well as beyond myself. Ultimately, I find myself in the limitations, responsibilities and demands that I have imposed on myself. But it seems that the wall has moved a little bit each time. Let us remember: the sign of Capricorn represents the return of the light, which rises again from the deepest darkness.

Credit: Of course, my comments are not just my own doing. I would like to explicitly mention Adam Elenbaas, who inspired me to write this series. On his website Nightlight Astrology you can find a large number of astrological articles. And if you prefer watching and listening to reading, you can find his astrology channel on YouTube.  

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