a ruin surrounded by fog glows in the blue light of the moon

The Power of Myth

Myth as the Language of the Soul

The knowledge of mankind

The Titan's Goblet by the American artist Thomas Cole from 1833 in the public domain

The Cradle of Western Culture

The soul's Fabric

The oil painting by artist John Martin shows the ruins of an ancient city
The myth of Oedipus is depicted in a painting in oil by the artist Fulchran Jean Harriet, in which Oedipus is shown rebuking himself while holding his daughter Antigone in his arms

Picture credits: (left) "Ruins of an Ancient City" c. 1810-20 by https://www.clevelandart.org/art/collection/search?artists=JohnMartin / „Oedipus at Colonus“ 1798 by https://www.clevelandart.org/art/collection/search?artists=FulchranJeanHarriet

The Gates to the Other World...

Mountain Mist“ by Joe deSousa/ CC0 1.0 – eine Darstellung, die jedem Mythos gerecht wird

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