Myth as the Language of the Soul
In our culture, we have largely lost access to these realms of myth, this human knowledge from thousands of years ago. The myth was once an integral part of cultural life. It was brought to life in poetic masterpieces as well as through the voices of bards who sang of brave heroes, villains and heartbreaking love stories. The audience hung on their lips and songs if only to escape the harshness of everyday life for a few moments. Not much has changed!
These stories and parables with deep meaning were passed on orally and underwent numerous changes over time. It was not until Christianisation in Central Europe that these traditions were also recorded in writing. Sometimes with very adventurous interpretations.
But with the Renaissance, the worlds of the gods of Olympus opened up magically and seemed to have been resurrected. During this time, the texts were rediscovered, especially in the Arab world, and still form the basis for numerous modern tales today. In ancient Greece, the cradle of Western civilisation, the true, beautiful and good in man was to shine through the light of knowledge.
The knowledge of mankind
"The Titan's Goblet " is a fascinating work of art that touches on both Norse myths and Greek myths The magnificent shaft of the goblet represents the trunk of the Nordic world tree. The chalice reveals a living, self-renewing microcosmic human world amid the immense beauty of nature. It also reminds us of the golden chalice of the sun god Helios and adds another level of enchantment to this work of art.
The artist or poet who can transcend the limitations of the material world and unite past and present is truly a visionary!

The Cradle of Western Culture
Our knowledge lies in the myths of mankind. We may have largely forgotten their origins, even if Hollywood is pretty fond of myths and adapts them. In our 'rational' world, we have banished them to the realm of darkness and they have mutated into shallow stories and fairy tales designed to entertain us.
The soul's Fabric

Contrary to the assumption that what we cannot see has disappeared, myth is by no means powerless. Myths are the stuff of which the soul is made. It is the language of the soul with which magic is performed.
From the depths of the collective unconscious, they take hold of us, the heroes and sages, the gods and demons of our ancestors. They cast a spell over us, these archetypes, as Carl-Gustav Jung called them. He did not invent these "archetypes" of the human soul but discovered them in various forms in all cultures during his extensive travels. He dedicated a large part of his life to his research in order to shed light on the darkness of the human soul. We must thank him!
Sometimes they seem to drive us forward, these unknowns from the depths of our being, as if they had a life of their own within the spaces of our psyche.
But sometimes they are the ones who save us!
Picture credits: (left) "Ruins of an Ancient City" c. 1810-20 by / „Oedipus at Colonus“ 1798 by
The myth is closely linked to ancient astrology. Discover your myth!
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