The Stars of the Gods

The Astrology of Antiquity

The gods once had stars. They stood in the firmament as symbols of their power. They represented the divine archetype and were intended to serve as a guide for people. In ancient astrology, the gods gifted humanity with themselves in the form of a star. Even in ancient Greece, people knew that the planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were not stars in the true sense of the word. They were simply the "stars" of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, which travelled their orbits through the celestial vault. We have forgotten this subtle difference in our time, intended to clarify the symbolism of the stars and planets. Of course, it makes no difference in terms of interpretation. However, it does show how poetically this topic was dealt with in antiquity.

Even the names of the planets in our solar system tell us stories. Ancient astrology is strongly linked to myth. Knowing these myths is beneficial as they help us understand these planetary energies both in our own birth charts and when we read those of others. Of course, great care and caution are required.

Astrology can be very beneficial, especially when it comes to family dynamics, intergenerational trauma or addiction problems in the family. I have experienced this by myself and it broadened my understanding and awareness of my family history enormously. The dynamics that emerged in my grandparents and parents and also in my siblings and of course in myself were like a revelation. And suddenly I understood so much that had previously remained hidden from me. That's why I want to share this knowledge. It is always up to each individual what he or she does with this information. That is the highest maxim: we are responsible for ourselves!

das wissen der antke für selbsttendecker

The Renaissance of Hellenistic Astrology

For around 30 years, the rise of this ancient knowledge about astrology has been unstoppable.

Back to the roots!

The rise of the Hellenistic Astrology. Why? Because the bells and whistles that modern astrology, especially that of the 20th century, has added or mixed with the "12 letters of the astrological alphabet" are wiped away.

Pure, clear images emerge that are based on the knowledge of our ancestors and could not be more modern. The astrology of the 20th century increasingly blurred the boundaries between the signs of the zodiac, the meaning of the houses or places and the planets. Astrology has been softened, if not falsified. I am by no means implying any malicious intent. It is probably more the state of the Western mind, which prefers to be comfortable rather than confronted with death and perishing, external enemies or strongly challenging aspects of itself, possibly a shadow.

Ancient horoscope chart of in white lettering on a dark blue background

The representation of a horoscope chart as it was probably depicted in ancient astrology / CC0 1.0

Hellenistic or antique astrology paints a picture based on clear rules and structures. It allows the interested person to see more clearly when the diluting elements are dried up. Perhaps I should also say when the veils of Neptunian illusion have fallen.
This original knowledge leads us back to the essentials and allows us to see our history, our myth, in a new light. It is as if the sun itself illuminates consciousness.

And it may hold surprises that allow us to write a new story. We may even have to reinvent ourselves when the veils of aberration and confusion fall.

To avoid misunderstandings: the Hellenistic astrologers of our time do not exclude the "transpersonal" planets. But they are not part of the ancient "ruler system".

A gathering of ancient scholars studying astrological writings

The drawing opposite shows an imaginary, idyllic place where classical philosophers and scholars meet to teach and learn. The men and women in the foreground are studying a book with astrological signs. Behind them, a second group is studying an armillary sphere, a celestial globe invented in antiquity that became a symbol of knowledge during the Renaissance. A woodcut version of this scene appeared as an illustration in the fortune-telling book "Garden of Thoughts" published in Venice in 1540. In this context, the three women in the foreground could be seen as the three fates and the man with the globe as the personification of astrology.

I am merely a reporter, an ambassador. You cannot get a birth analysis from me or even book a personal astrological consultation. If possible, I provide further information that can be explored. Of course, I also have my own thoughts and experiences to offer, which I would like to share.

Modern representation of the Hellenistic astrological system
Modern representation of the Hellenistic astrological system ©Gabriele S. Müller
Depiction of "Astrology" on a tarot card from the Tarocchi, Series C: Liberal Arts, No. 29 - before 1467

Recognise yourself! Discover your own myth!


What is the main difference between Hellenistic and modern astrology?

The decisive difference lies in the exclusive representation of the seven "old" planets in the astrological ruler system. Hellenistic astrologers also very often use the whole sign house system because it has proven to be stable and reliable for thousands of years.

In Hellenistic Astrology, a distinction is made between day and night charts. This has a decisive influence on both the planetary "benefics" and the "malefics". In the natal chart of a daytime birth, Jupiter is the benefic and Mars the malefic. Saturn is the planetary malefic in a night chart, and Venus is the benefic Saturn is much more constructive in a day chart than in a night chart. The same applies to Mars in a night birth. The benefics are benefics, even if given a different weighting in the respective charts (day or night).

Why do only the "old" planets find their place in a chart?

The ancient astrological ruler system is an orderly, coherent system based on balance. If you add the "new" planets to the ruler system, it loses its balance. This does not mean that the transplanets are not taken into account in the representation and interpretation today. Neither Uranus, Neptune nor Pluto rule a sign of the zodiac in the Hellenistic system. They are merely visitors in the temples of the gods, the signs of the zodiac. Sometimes with good manners, sometimes with less good manners. That's the way it is with guests.

How can I find out more about Hellenistic Astrology?

My favourite website is "The Astrology Podcast". There are now hundreds of videos on YouTube that deal with Hellenistic astrology very detailed and competently. If you don't speak English, you can search for the transcripts of the corresponding YouTube episodes on the website and translate them in your browser.

Another favourite source is "Nightlight Astrology". Adam Elenbaas also runs a YouTube channel.

The website "Seven Stars Astrology - Ancient Hellenistic and Persian Astrology in Practice " offers numerous posts on Hellenistic astrology. You can also find some sources here to read the translated texts of ancient astrologers such as Vittius Valens and Ptolemy. Here, too, the browser translates into the desired language.

One German-language source is the Swiss Dominik Burch. His content is also available on YouTube. is an excellent resource when it comes to calculating different types of horoscopes. The offer is remarkable and free of charge.

Why are there such different topics on "Art of Poetry"?

Appearances are deceptive. In fact, poetry, mythology and astrology are closely linked.

Poetry is the language of myth and myth is the language of astrology.

Also visit my "Poems & Thoughts" blog

Astrology is closely linked to myth. Discover your myth!

Heavenly Spheres

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Poetry is the language of myth and myth is the language of astrology.

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